Man of God Allen Bolden

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A few weeks ago, I met a man briefly who had a peaceful presence about him. I sensed that there was something different about him but couldn’t quite determine at the time what it was. Several weeks later, I encountered the man again and had an opportunity to engage in a deep conversation with him about God, and that is what was different about him. He walked sure-footedly with a humble confidence and strength that came deep within his spirit and soul. His words exuded wisdom, knowledge, and the strength that God’s word provides. He later revealed that he is a Christian who had given his life to God many years ago. That statement not only was the common thread upon which the garment of praise and similarity was sewn but it was also God’s way of opening the door for me to share about my book trilogy, The One Angel. After viewing my website and sharing with him the details of my book, he revealed that he also is a Pastor at a local church.

The blessing in all of this is that he invited me to attend a Sunday service to witness this powerful man of God preach the message of God’s word. As I sat in amazement and watched the preacher deliver the sermon, I witnessed the Holy Spirit being poured out to all who attended the service that morning. Truly a blessing, but the blessings did not stop there. As time went on, it is now December 2022, and I am on a deeper walk with Christ as this man has empowered and encouraged me to enroll in a Christian distant learning program and move toward my ministry ordination. I have always said that God works in and through people and just look how the Lord continues to prove that to Him, all the glory belongs. Amen, praise you Lord, Jesus!

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