Give and It Will Be Given Unto You

January 2020

Our church established a food program that was in place for people who couldn’t cook for themselves for one reason or another. After hearing about my friend’s sister’s dilemma, I decided to supply meals for her and her family and deliver the food to her door at her place of business, a card shop which is located right next door to her husband’s computer business. In giving directions, she’d mentioned that the location of her card shop was next door to her husband’s computer business. When I arrived at her card shop, she greeted me at the door wearing a neck brace and walked very gingerly from the door into the card shop. Although still recovering, she was a great hostess and eager to share about her cards, some of which were designed by her. She was so thankful for the homemade pasta sauce, a box of pasta, and a container of homemade clam chowder, she stated, “Oh this is great, I won’t have to cook for my family for a while, my sons will love this.” As gracious as she was the provision of food was awkward because it was right in the middle of the pandemic and we had to social distance by leaving the food in the center of the floor but I guess it really doesn’t matter how we had to deliver the food, what was most important was that she received it. Months had passed since she was able to fully recover and be present at our church service, but the day had come when she and I shared a conversation at church regarding my need for web design and I thought I could employ her husband’s services. So, when I approached her she said, “Oh no, my husband doesn’t create websites but my son, Andrew builds websites, here let me introduce you and you can speak to him about your website.”

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