The Blog Page was created for the sole purpose of sharing God’s Moments in my life where the hand of God is ever so present. I encourage you to post your thoughts and comments, as your voice will truly be an inspiration.
Give and It Will Be Given Unto You
January 2020 Our church established a food program that was in place for people who couldn’t cook for themselves for one reason or another. After hearing about my friend’s sister’s dilemma, I decided to supply meals for her and her […]
The Gifts of The Holy Spirit – Hip Operation and Heart To Heart Ministries
September 2020 For years, I had seen my friend Sue at church but never knew who she was. As she sat quietly in a pew in the sanctuary during the service, I recall glancing over my shoulder, looking at the […]
Women’s Retreat – Love Your Neighbor
November 2008 The first lady of the church is an awesome woman. I remember years ago when I was unemployed and caregiver to my aunt after my mom passed away. I had absolutely no financial means whatsoever. I arrived at […]
Lost Sheep
1996 Before I got sober and long before I had given my life to Christ, I was on my way to an A.A. meeting. It was a cold rainy night and in trying to find the meeting in a town […]