Madeline has worn many hats throughout her lifetime. Her gift and true passion has always been writing.
Madeline Mattera’s story is one of falling in life’s journey and getting up time after time. She accomplished this in spite of a variety of obstacles that she endured growing up. Her tenacity, loyalty and toughness made it possible to rise up and become the woman of God she is today. Madeline’s ability to look past the circumstances to the very heart of the person is what sets her apart from the rest.
In her twenty-eight plus years in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, she has displayed a willingness and commitment to obtain personal and professional success. Her life stories, as explicit as they are, will intrigue her audience to understand some of life’s darkest days. Faith in God, family and friends are her priorities as she moves forward in her Christian life. Beyond that, Madeline has been no stranger to reaching out to the homeless, less fortunate and people experiencing health struggles. Her daily life is one with God who utilizes her as the vessel of selflessness and stability in a world of uncertainty.
After graduating with her Paralegal Certification from a Christian college in 2001, her law professor and mentor invited her to return to the college as the keynote speaker to address the graduating class. At the time, Madeline worked for an attorney who specialized in medical malpractice.
Always changing gears, Madeline has found it necessary to keep re-inventing the wheel. She is also a certified Massage Therapist who has conducted lectures on the Benefits of Massage Therapy and Essential Oils at day spas and yoga studios.
After suffering three deaths in her family in a one-year time period, she found herself at yet another crossroad as to whether or not to share her testimony with the world. Being endued with the Holy Spirit, she has been shown her true purpose which is to “…‘Write in a book …[trilogy, entitled L’Angelone – The One Angel]…for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you.” (NKJV) Jeremiah 30:2.