Before I got sober and long before I had given my life to Christ, I was on my way to an A.A. meeting. It was a cold rainy night and in trying to find the meeting in a town that I was unfamiliar, with let alone trying to find the church where the meeting was located, I became overwhelmed. Scared and alone and barely sober, I pulled over to the side of the road and began to weep. I thought, “Oh God, please help me to find this place. When I realized I am so lost, I had the epiphany that yes Madeline you are lost, you are the lost soul that Munna and Aunty Mae had seen you as then stated, “May God help you.”. Indeed, I was lost in the biblical sense as well, the lost sheep. Finally, I heard God’s voice say, “Go this way. This is the way you should go, follow me and I will get you there.” When I realized just how very lost I was, I began to weep even more, but God in His grace and mercy turned back to find His one lost sheep because my life was of value to Him.