Madeline’s book trilogy entitled L’Angelone – The One Angel is a true labor of love. In the pages of her book, you will experience the warm heart and determined spirit of a woman who allowed God to use her failures as a testimony of His grace. The book tells a tale of how God used the stronghold of addiction and bondage for the greater good of building and increasing His kingdom.
You will fall in love with Madeline as she weaves a true story of hopelessness turned into hope, and then redemption. Madeline vividly describes how God planted the right people in her life at the right time so that she could blossom into a beautiful woman of God. Once you read this book, you will understand how a seed grows into a tree…one plants, the other waters, but God gives the increase. And if the book isn’t enough, watch Madeline’s video series where you will see and hear the passion in her voice of how God has increased her life. After reading this book and watching the video, you too will feel hopeful, empowered and liberated to break free of strongholds and live a victorious life in Christ Jesus.
Madeline dedicated the last seventeen years researching, writing and editing this book to get it just right for the readers. The L’Angelone – The One Angel trilogy is truly a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of God.
Alicia A. McNeil, Esq.